20 December 2005


I went to the gym before work today:
18 minutes on bike
5 minutes on the treadmill
15-20 minutes resistance training with a Swiss Ball

Two slices of hard-dough bread with a scraping of unsalted butter.
Cup of Heinz sun-dried tomato and basil soup.

granny smith apple (a pre-emptive attempt to stave off any pre-lunch impending hunger pangs)

2 slices of hard-dough bread
Princes Quick Eat (tomato & mascarpone sauce with pasta)

1 satsuma
four slices of toast [ I was doing do well up to this point]

Basmati rice
cod in parsely sauce
4 asparagus
red cabbage

Thoughts on today:

I was doing well (in my opinion) until my urges got the better of me. I must improve upon will power and stay focussed.

I didn't plan anything for dinner and nearly ended up wasting money on food in marks and Spencer, worst still it so easily could have been unhealthy food. My heas was screwed on and I ended up buying a salad for lunch tomorrow and a carton of fresh juice - as I need to make sure I'm getting my 5 fruit and vegetable portions per day.

After my dinner I so wanted to eat some more, even though I wasn't hungry.

There are always going to be days like this, and I guess in the beginning these days will be plentiful.

I'm happy I woke up and wne tot the gym though. Come January I'll start training to run 5km non stop.

To have discipline is a sore strength in a human beings character. To succumb to urges such as I did today was weak.

Every journey starts with a first step and I've taken it, even if somewhat unsteadily and without enough direction. I WILL be 66kgs this time next year. I've got to get over my fear of hunger.


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