22 December 2005

Thursday 22nd December 05

Breakfast: Porridge with 5 prunes, two slices of bread with unsalted butter

Lunch: two sliced of bread with chopped cucumber and tomato, with water.

Interim thoughts:

I had to eat lunch early because I have to pop into town to see if I can find something to wear to this Christmas party tonight. On the whole I feel deeply unattractive anyway so I won't try too hard to find something.

Can't wait to finish this bread. So unhealthy (yes I know I shouldn't have bought it in the first places :-) )

So now, between lunch (11:30am) and dinner (circa 8pm) I have to eat fruit to keep the hunger pangs at bay. No doubt they'll have unhealthy food there!

Got to find a top that doesn't show sweat. I sweat so easily. I love having a boogie, but after 2 minutes of dancing I'm breaking out in a proper sweat. Something I'll gladly eliminate once I lose weight and get fitter!

I'll try not to go overboard over Christmas, but hey, it IS Christmas. Anyway I believe 2006 to be my year for losing weight at the very least - "there by the grace of God go I" and all that!

Anyway I'll be back later to complete my blog.

Snack: Mullerice (apple flavour) and two slices of toast. Two clementines.

My thoughts:

I'm hungry at the moment. I didn't find anything in the shops (surprise surprise!) nothing in Evans (shop for fat people) remotely resembled anything a girl my age would wear. Ok there was the odd thing, but they only had sizes 24+ so they were too big for me. So I'm going to the party in crap clothes, but I've resolved myself to the idea that it's unlikely that my clothes will matter ... hardly as if people look at me in that way.

I'm annoyed because the cake I made for someone (cost £30) has gone to waste because they no longer want it. Apparently Miss Brissett didn't fancy the colour - although I asked how she'd want it etc. etc. If she didn't want to pay £30 for the cake all she had to do was say so. Of course my mother won't let me call her to tear her to shreds and give her a piece of my mind. So that's £30 gone to waste. You can jail a theif but you can't jail a liar. Anyway I have to start getting ready for this Christmas party. I'm pissed off and want to eat pie and chips followed by eve's pudding and custard - of course I won't, I'll eat and apple and drink some tea if the hunger gets too bad.

Dinner: (starter) Melon medley (main) turkey breast, chipolata, roast potatoes, vegetables (dessert) cheese and biscuits [there was cheesecake, but I asked for the cheese]

Then to top the evening off we were treated to crepes with grandmarnier and hot chocolate.


I enjoyed myself, danced a lot . Didn't think I went overboard with my eating.

Thanks for listening.


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