26 January 2006

About Yesterday (Wednesday 25th Jan)

I'm such a shit! 8pm I sat down to my chcken and mushroom and found it tasted just as bad as the vegetable, so now I'm sticking with the sweet flavours only.

I'm OK. Had some dry pasta last night. Today I'll do it.

On the plus side I've managed to find one of those milk throther mini whisk thingies so that makes drinking them at work better.

Happened to mention the diet to a colleague and was met with "ooohhhh you should make wieght watchers soup ...." yadda yadda yadda.

Why is it people can't just accept the staatus quo without offering opinion.

Awoke this morning feeling very hungry. Had some water which seems to have worked. Haven't had my shakes as yet.

Today my CD shakes are:

Chocolate Mint




I've decided that ChocolateMint will be my breakfast drink, so I'll order that accordingly next week when I see the counsellor.

Anyway I'm off to do some work.


At 4:46 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummm I didnt think eating pasta was a diet thing....dont do it...its temptation I know but Beware


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