25 January 2006

Tuesday 25th January

So here I am AGAIN, starting AGAIN.

I'm still miserable about my job - because basically now they just want me to check roumage around in dustbins and breaking down cardboard boxes, rather than the job I thought I'd be doing i.e. monitoring data, interpreting legislation, implementing policy, interrogating management systems etc. Sometimes I'm so disappointed with my life and the direction it is heading in.

Anyway I've been in contact with agencies and things are looking somewhat positive.

I will endevour to overcome this weight hurdle. Awoke this morning thinking that Frbruary draweth nigh and I have yet to lose any significant weight and I've promised myself that 2006 will be the year.

Have yet to drink any shakes, but will do today and report back. I cannot wait to get an internet connection back at home ... !!

Thanks for listening.


At 8:46 am, Blogger Gallis said...

Hey - nice blog. I deal with a lot of the same issues you do. One thing I can say is that you should totally go for a new job. I was trapped for years in a job that insulted my intelligence and fought and clawed to get out. It was absolutely worth it. Just using your brain will do wonders in terms of how you feel about yourself.


At 8:51 am, Blogger foxxyfly said...

Thanks zesty.

I was trapped for years in a job that insulted my intelligence and fought and clawed to get out. It was absolutely worth it.

I really appreciate this comment. You sum up my situation so very well. I will continue and strive to lose weight AND get a better job.



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