11 January 2006


I woke up late this morning, much to my chagrin. I was still determined to take my first train ride to work of the new year - after all why else what was the point of buying a month long rail pass? Part of the reason for catching the train to work is so that I can get some extra exercise i.e. running up and down the stair and walking to the office.

I wasn't hungry this morning until I was ready to leave the house. So weigh up the pro's and the con's I ate by breakfast at home so that I wasn't tempted by the delicious snack they have on offer at Birmingham New Street.

Crunchy nut cornflakes & no sugar natural muesli combo with semi-skimmed milk.
glass of water
herbal tea.

I'm loath to change my breakfast because I'm enjoying it so much. I love porridge too, so I'll probably only flit between these two choices. I've never ever been a fan of the English Fyr-Up Breakfast.

salad mixed with chilli peppers and cottage cheese
1 rice cake
2 thin slice corn cake (like rice cakes, made of corn)

1 apple
1 onion bagel

Exercise: 60 minute aerobics class

spinach, red cabbage, cauliflower
Pesto chicken with pasta

Then I was pissed off with the behaviour of a (ex) friend: So I over ate and had:

grilled chicken breast with rice (didn't even like it)
low fat tea cake.

I'm so ashamed of myself. How and when will I be able to control myself in order to lose this damn weight?!!!!!!


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