09 January 2006


1 medium bowl of Crunchy Nut Cornflakes [semi-skimmed milk]
cup of herbal tea (no sugar or milk)

11am (snack):
2 satsumas
1 granny smith apple

So far so good. I'm so addictive to food that I am able to start a day with good intentions and blow it all by eating crisps with lunch or having a large evening meal. I'll then console my self with the ill-fated words "I'll start tomorrow, I'll be stronger tomorrow" . In actuality I need to take things slowly hour by hour rather than day by day.
Thus: I take each hour as it comes. This is my only way forward.

1 medium portion of salad (iceberg lettuce, yellow capsicum, cherry tomatoes, spring onion, cucumber)
1 Marks & Spencer wholegrain bagel

I went for a walk around my place of work today. It's a big place and I thought I'd form a new habit of walking a little more. The walk lasted for 25minutes, it’s cold outside so now my legs are buzzing and tingling. I feel good for it though.
Just read an article on breaking and forming habits. I am determined to make today the first day of my habit.

Snack (2pm):
1 slice of low fat malt loaf

Snack (6:30pm):
1 wholegrain bagel

two griddled chicken breasts (no oil)
spaghetti with garlic pepper
2 tablespoons of tinned spinach
1 tablespoon of tinned potato gratin (1.2% fat per 100g)
3 tablespoons of sweetcorn (just boiled in water)
5 plain boiled asparagus spears
bowl of muesli & crunchy nut cornflakes (dessert)

I know I over ate. The chicken tasted so nice that I continued on to have the other one. I think to control myself I need to not cooked more than I am eating. See, I told you I need to take things one hour at a time.

Thanks for reading.



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