13 September 2006

Wednesday 13th September 2006 -
weight 20 Stones 8 Pounds (although it said 20'6 this morning)

I made it! :-)

I jolly well made it. Not without some real willpower though.Today was tough, really tough, but it's getting through a full day that really helps my mind adjust. I just hope I fall into a routine very quickly and make it through.

My day was as follows:

Gym (7:30AM - 8AM): 15 minutes on bicycle, resistance working. I must try to get to the gym so that I can have a full hours worth of sweat and hard-graft! My going to the gym is also my attempt at getting to the state of ketosis that much quicker.

Water, tea, water tea. Then I started to feel grouchy and sad. I nearly bought crisps under the pretence of "what harm can 1 packet do". Stress at work and working with some obnoxious people doesn't help.

Went into Tesco with the intention of choosing from a larger selection of crisps, but my resolve allowed me to leave with mouthwash and razors!

14:00hrs - Mushroom soup - with lots of water
15:00hrs - Warm strawberry shake - more water

On the way home I had to strengthen my resolve once more. This time I called a friend and told him how I was feeling. He doesn't know I'm on this Cambridge Diet, but his words helped.

20:45hrs - Mushroom soup - water
21:30hrs - strawberry shake muffin. Water.

I think I only managed 2 litres of water today, if that! So must try and up the quantity tomorrow.

Alas I'm not in ketosis yet, but may be tomorrow? Hopefully by Saturday if I can get that far. Never mind "one day at a time" right now I'm taking it 'one hour at a time' until further notice....

Thanks for listening ... my goad is still 10 stones 8 pounds.



At 11:02 pm, Blogger Gallis said...



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