09 December 2006

Saturday 9th December 2006

I'm feeling much more positive about the diet. Albeit I'm still tempted by food. It is almost spring and I need to get a spring in my step.

My knee is still giving me trouble but I've found a way around the whole exercise thing - rather than jumping around, I'll go swimming instead. I'l put off the aerobics classes until next week. So my plan is to swim a few lengths tomorrow, then do an aquaerobics class Monday evening.

So far I've marked off 4 days on my '100-days of Sole Sourcing' chart. It's quite satisfying seeing those crosses which mark off the days. 96 more days to go. Looks like I won't be eating Christmas day dinner! There's always next year God willing.

So far today:

500ml water - I drank this first thing.
1/2 chocolate shake (mixed with psyllium husk) - I cannot wait to see my CDC so that I can get some more flavours I'm sick of Chocolate flavour, but that seems the only think I have left in the 'sweets'.

I've drunk another 500mls of water - easy peasy really. I can down a 1 litre in one go.

I'm currently just finishing a Lactose Free Mushroom soup. I remember the days when this was the only soup I'd touch, can you believe it?!

I'm off to get my eyebrows sorted.


Well it's 3:45AM. I did have my eyebrows threaded - it wasn't as painful as I'd thought it would be given I've left my eyebrows to grow for some months now.

When I got back I found time to bake a cake in anticipation of the fayre my local park is holding in honour of the erection of a new band stand. I coldn't really be bothered to bake it. I was told I didn't have to bake a cake, but as I'd already pledged it I didn't want to let myself and others down - sheesh listen to me! If only I was as determined about my weight loss! Anyway as per usual there days, I baked the cake blind i.e. didn't taste the mixture as I don't want to jeapordise ketosis.

I wet out on the town. What was looking like an ordinary night turned into a fab one. I really don't know how my friend does it .... atttracting men! Luckily I wasn't out on the prowl - that won't happen until April when I should be around 14 stones.

I was dancing - I'm a bit of a dance addict when a good choon is played. My knee was still giving me trouble. :(

So, so far today I'm drunk three litres of water and had three shakes. I was desperately tempted today! I must think of my 100-day chart and my lovely green coat to spur me on. Seeing those girls in lovely clothes this evening helps too!



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