21 February 2006

20 February 2006

I seemed to get through yesterday fine. Although I must drink more fluid; at least 5 litres of liquid per day.

So my intake as follows:

1/3 vanilla shake sachet before I left for work - just to warm me up on the train. It's cold outside!

Breakfast: Vanilla Shake (with decaffinated coffee)

Lunch: Strawberry shake

Dinner: Vanilla shake

Supper: chicken breast topped with cheese - I'm allowed 4 shakes per day. In hindsight I could have survived on the four, since I didn't actually have 4 shakes yesterday (I had 3⅓), but I really needed some savoury food to keep my sanity and since the savoury Cambridge shakes make me gag, this was the best alternative and I'm happy with it.

Went to bed and read some information out of my Atkins Diet book on Ketosis and Benign Dietary Ketosis (a phrase coined by him).

I'm just wondering how long it will take to fall into ketosis.


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