21 February 2006

21st February 2006

Weak Moment! followed by Iron Will

I'm hungry. I went to bed with no appetite at all. Now I'm ravenous. I got to Birmingham New Street and actually went to Marks and Spencers to buy some cheese to nibble. Fortunately I didn't buy any.

I'm still hungry though. I'm waiting an hour or so I don't suffer afternoon hunger pangs. I will hopefully glug 1 litre before 9:30am.

I've had my chocolate mint shake (breakfast) and a strawberry shake (lunch) supplemented by one mouthful of cheese and egg mayonnais & prawns this afternoon.


Just had a really inspirational voicemail from my Cambridge Diet Counsellor.

She really believes in me, more than I probably believe in myself.

She knows how weak-willed I am too, but she says "you can do it" and if it gets tough, not to be hard on myself i.e. have something to eat, to save myself from backsliding completely.

I must admit, her words of support have jollied me, at this moment in time when I can feel my tonsils flaring up AGAIN.

I'm going home in a moment. Once I get home I will drink a Vanilla/Coffee shake (yum) with a 1/2 litre of water. Then I will test my urine for ketones. If I'm in dire need of something savoury i will buy a chicken breast from Asda again and eat it with cheese as I did yesterday.

Good News?

On another note, I've been offered a new job - with better scope and prospects. Only problem is it's in Stoke (which I don't mind), however I'd be on less money than I am currently earning, so travelling to stoke may prove rather costly.

Decisions ..... decisions ........

Thanks for reading.


At 2:46 am, Blogger Gallis said...

I think if it's a better job and you think you'd be happier you should take it!


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