23 February 2006

22nd February 2006 (in retrospect 23/02/2006)

Well I managed to get through the day as follows:

Cheese & chicken - with a chocolate mint shake

Lunch - Cheese & chicken again with a strawberry shake

Dinner:Cheese with roast chicken

Damn when I look at it I didn't have too many shakes!

ANyway I'm going to attempt to Sole Source for 23/02/06.

Didn't get much sleep because once again I woke twice to use the toilet - I'm drinking loads of water, so I'm feeling exhausted and my eyelids are having muscle spasms.

These shakes are supposed to be nutritionally complete, so I will force myself to drink all 4 on the 23rd/Feb/2006.

Still no exercise, I just don't have the energy.

I have mixed feelings about my job offer - Stoke is 30 (so thats a 60 mile journey per day) miles from where I am and the wage package being offered doesn't justify the journey. So I'm trying to negotiate. If it isn't in my favour then I'll have to walk away. I hate confrontation; which I guess is a trait of built up in me because being big, people assume you are aggresive. Anyway I dreaded telling mmy potential future employers that I need more money ... I've never done that before, however I "felt the fear - and did it anyway".

I was thinking may be I should employ such a tactic on my love life and confidence around men?

Thanks for listening.


At 5:46 pm, Blogger Gallis said...

Well what's the worst that can happen? You are still where you are. Why should you play small? These changes are scary, but worth it. You just need to move out of your comfort zone sometimes.

At 7:49 pm, Blogger Mrs A. said...

is that the chicken and cheese from lean cuisine?? if so-I LOVES IT!!!!!!!!!!!!


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