28 February 2006

28th February 2006 -

on the cusp of yet another new month ....

..... and not an ounce of progress made.

I just can't seem to get into this diet and I keep backsliding.

I've lost a little weight (I'm now 18st 9) but I haven't sole-sourced.

I seem to have a mental block about the whole thing.I can't being myself to it. I've done it for 2.5 days at the end of January, but can't bring up the momentum again.

March beckons and I see myself facing another fat, hot, conscious, sweaty, tented (fat people wear tents) summer.

What is wrong with me?

Tomorrow is a new day I suppose.


At 2:07 am, Blogger Gallis said...

Personally I think you're being waaaaay too hard on yourself, both physically and mentally. The bottom line is that if you are not into the eating plan and/or don't see results you won't likely stick with it. I'm kinda doing the same thing in avoiding foods I'm allergic to, but I am getting the pay off in feeling a lot better which makes avoiding foods I fancy a lot easier.

Maybe you need to take a simpler approach like:

I will take time for myself and exercise three to four times a week. And that can be whatever it is, walking, yoga, whatever.

Then another thing [this helped me] was I will not eat refined chocolate products. But if I need a sweet hit, I'll have say brown rice crackers with almond/cashew butter and honey. SO DELICIOUS!! In other words, don't ban sweets, just find a healthy alternative.

Remember the French proverb: Little by little, the bird builds his nest.

Maybe you just need to not be so hard on yourself and take some small steps at first.

I really sympathize with you. I really do. I know the dread of summer of which you speak and it's awful. Hang in there though. You didn't gain the weight overnight and you won't lose it overnight.

I don't know if you're into Oprah at all, but I got her DVD set for Christmas and I'd recommend you get it too. I've watched the section on weightloss a bagillion times. It really helped and she's right. You truly need to love yourself, not punish yourself for the "sin" of being overweight.

Sorry to leave a whole blog here but I know how discouraged you must feel. Don't give up! I believe in you and I know you can do this!!!

At 12:54 pm, Blogger Mrs A. said...

turn that frown upside down!! we all hit plateaus and we all get tired of the routines, so just chill out, refresh and find a new way of approaching your goals. you're prolly just burnt out.

oooh, zesty-i'm gonna try your sweet suggestion....that sounds yummy


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