27 March 2006

MONDAY 27th MARCH 2006

Hi there,

Thank you all for your support (I thought the only person reading this was Zesty!). I am suitably chuffed.

Bad News ....

.... I'm afraid.

I didn't get the job and that has sent me in a downward spiral. Apparently I was "close" and they were "torn", but that really means nothing as I still didn't get the job. I'm stuck in this job which really is nothing more than a glorified cleaner (not that there is anything wrong with being a cleaner, but that wasn't my aim in life). I'm now 19st 3Ibs

Last week I went for a 3rd interview for another job, I spent the whole day doing presentations sitting tests all on 4 hours sleep - my current job has been demanding of my time. I was so tired I went the wrong way down the motorway; I've NEVER done that in my entire life.

It's Monday and it seems I haven't got this job either ..... and yes I've comfort ate like there's no tomorrow.

However, seeing your comments has inspired me to try again. I'm scared of dying young and all I want to be is fit and healthy. I love exercise, but hate doing it because of my weight; the fat hinders me.

I promise to blog every day and report on my progress.

Thanks for reading and sharing your comments with me.

Much Love YYY


At 7:51 pm, Blogger Brandi Love said...

Keep your chin up hun, everything happens for a reason, a better job is on its way,it may not be tomorrow or even a month, but it is coming. Stay positive and focused on your goals.

At 1:12 am, Blogger Gallis said...

Dude. I have the perfect story about this. I mentioned before that I changed jobs last summer. In May, I had an interview for what appeared to be a "perfect" job. It was close but not cigar for me too. I was so desperate to get out of where I was so needless to say I was absolutely heartbroken. 2 months later I had my present job and it is LIGHT YEARS better than that other one. It would have been horrible for me! Have faith and keep going!!!!


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