17 October 2006

Tuesday 17th October 2006


Well I was still away with the client all day today. What a long day!

Breakfast - scrambled egg and sausage (I had three, but ate one) black coffee

Lunch - The had sandwiches, loads and loads of them. I was gutted because I was hoping they'd have a proper buffet with chicken on skewers or quiche (I'd have just had the egg). So I ate the contents of a few sandwiches. Strange to see, but I had no choice. Some ham (don't eat it normally, but had no choice!), cucumber, egg and cheese! All washed down with water 2 litres!

Dinner - I was determined not to have any to atone for my not doing Cambridge! I got home and tested my urine, I'm still in ketosis.

I was feeling hungry, so had a mushroom soup - with some water.

So far I've drunk 3.5 litres. I'll attempt to drink another 1 litre before bed.

I really want to be 17 stones for Christmas.



At 1:19 am, Blogger Gallis said...

Is this a high protein diet? sounds interesting.

At 8:47 am, Blogger foxxyfly said...

Yep or sorts.


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