19 October 2006

Wednesday 18th October 2006

Yesterday on the way home from work, I went to The Fort Shopping Centre, just to look around. I need new work clothes, I'm not happy wearing the clothes that I'm currently wearing. I'm not inclined to buy anything yet because I can still wear/fit the clothes I have and thus cannot justify the expense. However I did see a pair of size 22 trousers in Dorothy Perkins I tried on and they fit - just. I was chuffed to say the least. There were other clothes I'd love to buy, but can't because of the money and I think I need to reward my efforts come Christmas - when I'll really see the difference.Went into Marks and Spencer, looked around the clothes and then walked through the food isle just to see if I could do it. I did. Lots of delicious stuff to be had, but I figured - the food will be there next year as will the cothes and some new fashion anyhow. Yesterday I wasn't overly despondent, just tired. I weighed myself yesterday morning and the scales said 19st 11Ibs, so I guess that didn't help either. Today I'm still tired and listless, I'm hoping that this is just a phase of being on the Cambridge Diet and pretty soon I'll be back to my normal self ....

17 October 2006

Tuesday 17th October 2006


Well I was still away with the client all day today. What a long day!

Breakfast - scrambled egg and sausage (I had three, but ate one) black coffee

Lunch - The had sandwiches, loads and loads of them. I was gutted because I was hoping they'd have a proper buffet with chicken on skewers or quiche (I'd have just had the egg). So I ate the contents of a few sandwiches. Strange to see, but I had no choice. Some ham (don't eat it normally, but had no choice!), cucumber, egg and cheese! All washed down with water 2 litres!

Dinner - I was determined not to have any to atone for my not doing Cambridge! I got home and tested my urine, I'm still in ketosis.

I was feeling hungry, so had a mushroom soup - with some water.

So far I've drunk 3.5 litres. I'll attempt to drink another 1 litre before bed.

I really want to be 17 stones for Christmas.


MONDAY 16th October - DAY 5

Monday 17th OctoberI'm currently in my hotel room away on business. Unfortunately I've HAD to go to dinner with the client. I understand I'm probably out of ketosis, but I'm hoping not by too much.
What I've had today:
Breakfast: Chocolate shake
Lunch : Oriental Chilli
small handful of peanuts - and about 500ml's of water
Dinner: ham, salad (cucumber and lettuce), tuna steak and roast chicken with some cabbage). I didn't have dessert as I went to great pains to have protein and nothing more.

I've drunk water and nothing else bar two cups of tea today.I have a whole day of this ahead of me, but I'm thinking that I shalln't eat anything tomorrow until I get home and just have water throughout the day. However I know we have a lunch with another client tomorrow which i have to attend and hob-nob. I'm determined not to jeapordise my chances of getting down to 17 stones for Christmas.

15 October 2006

Sunday 15 October 2006

I've had an OK. I've had a few moments where I've been peckishout of a little boredom. I've also been tempted to go buy some chocolate fudge cake - I'm not even a choccie fan, so there you have it!

Just been to be weighed and measured. I've lost a few inches all around but the best news of the lot is, I've lost 8 pounds bringing me down to 19 stones and 11Ibs. Nineteem stones is stilll a big number, but it's nice to be back in the teens! I usually celebrate any loss with something naughty and then promise myself I'll get back on track the next day ... the next day never happens though (that's why I've piled on two stones since I started this blog!)
I'm at home now am determined to stay in ketosis.

So far I've lost 11Ibs.

My goal and psychological barries is ANYWHERE under 17 stones, so 16 stones 11 pounds (235Ibs) is my interim goal.

Thanks for reading.

Saturday 14th October

The day went swimmingly. I wasn't hungry at all. I was supposed to make a cake, but didn't want to risk anything happening to the state i was in.

I had:

Banana muffin

Still in 'Moyen' I'm chuffed. I've been in ketosis before, when I was following the Atkins Diet. I remember not being hungry - I also remember how 'boring' ketosis is. Boring in the sense that one doesn't feel hunger so one doesn't experence the 'highs' associated with food consumption. It's my blood sugar, dontcha know!

I only managed to down 2.5 litres of water - not good. must try harder.

So, here's to March 07!

14 October 2006

Friday 13th October 2006


I've never been known for doing things conventially; I finally completed a full day of the Cambridge Diet without eating one thing. Really pyschologically it's really helped, for how long I don't knoe. I managed it in part because my friend is upset with me - although I didn't find out until yesterday. My weeks worth of worry, due to no contact has culminated in me 1) discovering that he's vex because he misunderstood something I said and 2) me being in ketosis.

It's worth mentioning that I started to go into ketosis on Thursday. However I had chicken nuggets on the way home from work. Nevertheless I checked my urine when I got home and discovered I sterted to 'show' i.e. there were ketones in my urine.

Friday I didn't eat or even have a shake because I was coming to the realisation that my friend was upset with me. I guess that helped. I checked my urine and the strip was lovely a pink and was "Moyen" on the colour chart. Yippeee.

08 October 2006

Sunday 7th October

I unceremoniously fell of the 'wagon' so to speak yesterday. It was sheer boredom. So DAY 1 is today.
I've been to the gym and did 30 minutes Spin (aka RPM), then did a 1 hour body combat class. I ache all over and I'm super- the sweat was unbelievable! It's all in the name of me using up the glycogen stores in my body and going to the gym helps regulate my mood - makes me feel happy and alive.
I've been going to the gym a wee bit now, but today I thought there is little point going to the gym to lose weight if I'm not addressing what I'm eating. So I need to stay on this Crazy Diet to succeed and be who I want to be inststead of this crazy mixed up, insecure person I've turned into over the last 5 years.

My menu for today:

breakfast: Strawberry Shake

lunch: lactose free mushroom soup

dinner: oriental chilli soup

afters: vanilla shake/muffin

I've replenished my water loss from exercise. I intend to consume another 3 litres before bed.

Wish me luck!

I'll post back just before bed to tell you how I got on.

Much Love

G. xx

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